Monday, January 7, 2019

NPTEL | Online Courses | Free | Step by step | enrollment for course

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NPTEL stands for National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning. NPTEL is online learning platform which is funded by MHRD, Government of India. It is run by seven IITs and IISc. Colleges which run these online courses such as IIT Bombay, IIT Madras , IIT Kanpur IIT Kharagur, IIT Delhi , IIT Rorkee and IISc Banglore. Five core disciplines were identi ed, namely, civil engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering and mechanical engineering and 270 courses in web/video format were developed in this phase. 

 Enrollment processor for NPTEL :-
 Now i am going to tell you stap by step processor to fill up the nptel form or the processor to enroll  in nptel course for free.

 Please read the full blog to get it right.

Step 1:-  Open the official site of the NPTEL.( click here) 

Step 2:- After opening the official website of NPTEL, then scroll down where you choose the course stream and select it. Then start searching your course which you want to select and click on it. To open that course.


Step 3:- After opening your desired  course on NPTEL , move to next step and read full introduction to course carefully also the You tube video of introduction .Then click on the join icon to elect your course.

Step 4:- After joining the course , now  a application form of NPTEL pop up in front of you , then start filling your details correct upto your knowledge.  After filling all the details submit it up.

Step 5:- After filling all the details , click on the join icon.

 Congratulations you have enrolled the NPTEL  course. 
Keep watching all the lecture and score more then 90% to get a internship at IIT.

Thank you